Q&A (Fatwa)

#597: Advice on what to do with Pregnancy got out of Zinā


I have a brother who got involved with a Christian lady, but after some time they go there separate ways, but unfortunately during there relationship they had intimacy once, which the brother didn’t know it will turn out to be pregnancy for the lady, just recently the lady contact him to inform him that she’s is pregnant and want to abort it.
The brother is confuse and scared.
I need your candid advice on this issue, if possible you can add anything ayah from the Quran or hadith that can help to support your advice.
But what if the lady remain adamant that she want to abort it what should we do then.



This is Zina and what is first obligatory upon this brother is to make a sincere Tawbah to Allāh and to never go close to anything that can lead to that for the fear of Allāh and His Punishment in the Afterlife.

As for the matter of abortion, he should do as much as he can to prevent the girl from it by calling her, insisting upon her not to do so and agreeing to take responsibility for the child and her until she gives birth.

And Allāh knows best

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

18th Ramadān, 1439A.H.

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