#606: How can a Woman observe the Kaffārah of Fasting Two Months Consecutively due to her Menstrual Flow?
” Assalamun Alaykum warahmatuLlah wabarakatuh!for a woman who sees her menses on monthly basis and is guilty of the above act,how does she observe the 60days fast *Consecutively*? JazaakumuLlahu khayran”
Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.
Know O beloved one, may Allāh be merciful on us and you altogether, that this is of the cases where it is permissible to break.
Imām Al-Hajjāwī Al-Hanbalī – rahimahullāh – said in Zādu Al-Mustaqni’i:
“It is obligatory to observe the fast in consecutivity. If but a Ramadān comes in between or a (day where it is obligatory to) break such as Īd, the Days of Tashrīq, or Menstruation, or insanity, or an illness that is threatening, or its likes, or he ate forgetfully, or was forced to, or broke due to a permissible reason that permits breaking, his consecutivity is not regarded as broken.”
For this reason, some Ulamā mentioned that what is most important is the consecutivity of two months. But the summary is as Al-Hajjāwī has said above, and Allāh knows best.
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran
24th Ramadān, 1439 AH.
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