Q&A (Fatwa)

#614: Dreams and Dream Interpretations


” Assalaamu alaykum, Please, is it permissible to believe in dream interpretations? Can an ordinary person find bases to interpret his own dreams?… Can I interpret my own dreams based on my reasonings? Thanks as I anticipate your quick response.”


Wa alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh


On Dreams, then know that the Ulamā have agreed that Dreams are real and can carry very solid messages for the dreamer.

However, one is required to seek for the Knowledge of its interpretations from those possessed of Ilm and Understanding, and those possessed of soundness in their opinions and ideas.

Imām Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalānī mentioned in the Fat’h that it is not permissible to attempt to get your dreams interpreted except by the one who is sound in Understanding. Imām Ibn ‘Abdul Barr also mentioned this in At-Tamhīd from Imām Mālik – rahimahullāh.

Another mistake that is made by some attempters to interpretation of dreams is that they rely on the Books of Dream Interpretations and open such books whenever dreams are related to them or they dream. This is wrong. It is mentioned in ‘Al-Fawākihu Ad-Dawānī Shar’hi Ar-Risālatu Al-Qayrawānī’ that this is wrong since its interpretation relies on persons, their deeds, their kinds, their occupations and their eras.

Therefore, it is not permissible to interprete dreams based on mere reasonings. Rather narrate your dreams to people blessed with sound knowledge, understanding, uprightness, truthfulness and closeness to Allāh. You shall, Allāh willing, find your lost commodity in that.

Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

11th Shawwal, 1439A.H.

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