#634: Can a Woman observe Salāt without Iqāmah
Know, may Allāh be merciful unto us and you, that the observance of the ‘Iqāmah by a woman, whether in a Salāt observed by her alone, or one that she observes in a congregation of only women, is not required.
Imām Mālik said:
“There is neither requirement of Adhān nor ‘Iqāmah on women. But if she does the ‘Iqāmah, then that is good.”
Imām Ibn Rushd said:
“The majority have upheld that there is no requirement of Adhān or ‘Iqāmah on women.”
In Al-Mughnī, Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī – rahimahullāh – had mentioned that this was the position held by the likes of Ibn ‘Umār, Anas bn Mālik, Sa’īd bn Al-Musayyib, Al-Hasan, An-Nakha’ī, Ibn Sīrīn, Ath-Thawrī, Mālik, Abū Thawr, and the People of Kūfah.
He also mentioned that he knew not any difference on this matter.
Summarily, they agreed that the ‘Iqāmah doesn’t have to be said by the woman before any Salāt, whether in Congregation or Alone. And she has not sinned even if she doesn’t do it intentionally without a reason.
Then, some of the Ulamā encourage that she does it none the less.
And Allāh knows best
Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran
19th Dhul Hijjah 1439A.H