Q&A (Fatwa)

#639: Can a Muslim Woman Post Her Pictures with Hijāb on Social Media


“Assalam alaikum Question : Is it allowed for a muslimah to post her pictures online on social media sites and apps, though covered her whole body (hijab) excluding face.”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh


The question is why will a Muslim Sister who believes in Allāh and the Last Day, who fears Allāh and fears her standing before Allāh on the Last Day do this knowing full well that this is a Fitnah place of the Shaytān?

Our Muslim sisters must be seriously warned in regard to this.

Whosoever understands the import and purpose of the Hijāb will not think of something like this. But today we have the smiling and posing pictures of Muslim Sisters all over the place on Social Media Platforms which are places where people showcase their beauty and Fitnah themselves and others everyday.

What advantages do you gain from such doing? Are you aiming at others seeing your beauty? Are you aiming at gaining more enemies for yourself? Are you aiming at attracting Males to yourself? Or what exactly?

Fear Allāh!

The essence of the Hijāb is to conceal your beauty and deeply root your chastity and modesty. These two are dissolved by such a doing. This is Harām

The Hijāb is aimed at reducing Fitnah in the society. This act totally ensures that the Fitnah is widespread. This is Harām.

The Muslim is asked to protect himself/herself from unnecessary envy and the evil eyes. This act ensures it’s opposite. This is harmful to you.

Fear Allāh sisters. Fear Allāh and remember your standing before Him on the Day of Qiyāmah.

Help the society be a better place where the Imān grows, not the opposite.

Keep your chastity, keep your modesty, keep your shyness, observe your Hijāb the way it was ordained.

We ask Allāh for His guidance, for us and for the Muslim sisters out there.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran

20th Dhul Hijjah 1439A.H.

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