#655: Ruqya and The Maʿthūrah
“Asalaam alaykum warahmatulaah pls enlighen me on Ruqya and Almathurah,i had the audios on my phone but because of different views abt them,i deleted them.Jazakumllah khairan”
Wa ‘Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.
The Ruqya is sanctioned in the Sharī’ah as long as it is done in accordance to it and in it is nothing that goes against it.
For a detailed guideline with regards to the Ruqya, you may refer to the writings of Shaykh Wahīd ‘Abdussalām Bālī: Wiqāyatu Al-Insān Min Al-Jinni Wa Ash-Shaytān, As-Sārimu Al-Battār Fī At-Tasaddī Li As-Saharati Al-Ashrār and it’s similar.
And you may study them under the guidance of a teacher.
As for the Māthūrāt which is supposed to be a compilation of the Adhkār that are sanctioned to be done by the Muslim in his everyday life, it is true that there are many fabrications found in different books.
Some of the books contain weak Ahādith while some contain Fabrications or Adhkār that are not of the Rasūl’s – salallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam – recommendation.
In this regard, we advise you to seek the work of Shaykhu Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah called Al-Kalimu At-Tayyib.
And there is a revision done on this book by Shaykh Nāsiruddīn Al-Albānī called Sahīhu Al-Kalimu At-Tayyib.
You may also refer to it and study it under the guide of a teacher.
Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.