Q&A (Fatwa)

#660: Obligations toward Masjidu al-Aqsa


“Salamu aleikum, My question is: what’s Muslims right toward masjidul aqswo; the one in Jerusalem and what’s the need for fighting for it. Jazakumu Allahu khair as you answer.”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


The responsibility and obligation of the Muslim Ummah toward Masjid Aqsa is Jihād in all of it’s Ramifications toward it’s liberation.

The Ulamā have formed a consensus that it is obligatory upon the Muslims to wage a Jihād to repel an aggression against the Muslims, everybody in his own capability and capacity.

Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah – rahimahullāh – said in the Majmū’ Al-Fatāwah:

“As for defensive Jihād, then it is the most important kind of repelling an aggression on a person’s sanctity and Dīn. This is obligatory by consensus. Since the invading enemy that destroys the Dīn and the Dunya, there is nothing more Obligatory after Īmān than repelling him. The Fellows of our School and others have mentioned that.”

The Hanafī Imām Ibn ‘Ābidīn Al-Hanafī – rahimahullāh – said in his Hāshiyah:

“If the enemy attacks a front among the frontiers of Islām, it is Fard ‘Ayn upon Whomsoever is close to that frontier to repel them. And then it is Fard Kifāyah for those who are distant as long as they are not needed. But if they are needed in such a way that those who are next to the enemy are incapable of the repulsion or they are lax and fail to wage the Jihād, then it becomes obligatory upon those who are next to them, a kind of obligation that is in Salāt and Sawm (fasting), it is impermissible for them to abandon it. And then from them to the next in proximity, and then the next in proximity, until it reaches all of the Muslims West and East.”

This position is shared by the Hanafī Imams all of them.

And similar was held by the Mālikis, the Shāfi’īs and the Hanbalī Imams.

And because the Land of Palestine has been under enemy occupation for almost a century and the people that surround it have been incapable so far, it becomes obligatory upon the entire Muslim Ummah.

The obligation is upon every Muslim, male and female, to give whatever he can to the Palestinian Cause, and to set forth for it’s liberation with respect to his capability, and Allāh is He we ask, to bring unto us a time soonest when the Muslim Ummah will regain it’s Lost lands, amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.



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