Q&A (Fatwa)

#673: Words of Advice to the Financially Incapable on Marriage


“Assalamu alaikum beloved brothers of this group. What advice will u give to a practicing brother who mastubate.but he is trying to leave it. He does not have a job right now for him to marry. He is also looking for a sister to marry. Pls, he need ur advice and support.”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


We ask Allāh to be merciful to this brother and to make easy for him the means to marry and to maintain his home, Amin.

That said, know, o beloved one, that we have responded in Questions 177, 178 and 496 in our Telegram Channel, with error tight evidences, and perfection is to Allāh Alone, to questions raised on masturbation where we concluded, as alluded by the Ulamā, that it was Harām and not an alternative or an outlet for the sex urges.

What remains is to remind the Brother to fear Allāh and to be serious in his seeking of the Halāl Outlet that is embodied in Nikāh.

And he should know that Allāh does not task a soul beyond it’s capability.

He should therefore seek to marry in accordance with his capabilities and does not need to delay his marriage because of a particular kind of standard that he has created in his mind on which the society has fixated on him.

Then, the brother is advised to seek the support of Marriage Counseling committees around him where such support could be granted to him after his situation and condition has been found to be worth the support.

Lastly, know o brother, that Marriage does not necessarily kill the Shahawāt

Rather, it gives a Halāl Outlet for it’s exercise.

You must therefore fight to suppress your Shahawāt within and without Marriage in accordance with the requirement for a Believer for indeed Allāh has said:

ومن يوق شح نفسه فأولئك هم المفلحون

“And whosoever suppresses the caprices of his soul, then surely is among the People of Success.”

And the Appetite (Shahwah) of the Private part is of the greatest of the souls basal desires.

And Allāh knows best.
Bārakallāhu Fīkum.
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.



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