Q&A (Fatwa)

#680: Ruling on the Observation of Niqāb


“Salam alykun waramatul llahi wabarakatu, i branch a mosque to pray n i heard one ustaz giving lecture abt women dat dnt cover there face( niqob) will enter hell, pls is dis truth or is there any hadith stating dis?”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

As for putting on the Niqāb, it’s ruling has been differed upon.

The position upheld by Imām Ahmad, and which is sound in accordance with Ash-Shāfi’ī’s Madh’hab is that it is Wājib for a woman to conceal her face in the presence of a Non-Mahrām except in conditions that impose themselves on her.

Then, the Hanafī and Mālikī positions on same matter is that it isn’t Wājib but Mustahabb (Recommended and Liked).

But they all agree that in a situation where Fitnah is feared, it becomes Obligatory to observe it.

And we have responded to more than one question regarding the Niqāb that what is stronger to us in this era is that Niqāb is obligatory given the Fitnah that has surrounded us.

And we ask Allāh to bless and illumine the hearts of all the Muslim Sisters out there that observe the Niqāb.

For it is something that makes them special amidst others. Carrying the emblem and icon of their Dīn even at a time where people are taking light the Dīn and playing with it.

They carry this symbol and observe this rite, keeping themselves chaste and disciplined, while reducing the Fitnah in the society and taking away any possibility of an additional distraction on the streets.

May Allāh reward them all and stand by them, Amīn.

Thereafter, it has not reached us any Hadīth saying that those that do not wear the Niqāb are people of the Nār (Fire).

This is not true.

And whosoever makes that claim that the Rasūl – salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam – said so must produce his Isnād.

It has become apparent to you from the above that the Ulamā differed regarding it.

They would not differ over a matter the Rasūl has promised fire for.

Let then people be careful with telling lies and attributing them to the Rasūl – salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam – for it is enough to make one a Munāfiq to tell lies on his own, what then should be the projection for the one who lies and then attribute his lie to the Rasūl – salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.



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