Q&A (Fatwa)

#683: Ruling on Oral Sex


“Asalamu Alaikum Warahmotullahi Wabarakatuh please I want Holy Quran and Hadith to answer this question for me “IS IT ALLOWED TO LICK MY WIFE OR MY HUSBAND PRIVATE PART DURING SEX?”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Firstly, it should be known that the Sharī’ah has allowed a man and his wife to meet and have Sexual relations in whichever manner they like and are satisfied with, as long as it does not fall into what has been called Harām

Of those clear Areas that are Harām are the following:

Penetration through the anus.

This is Harām by consensus.

Penetration when a woman is Menstruating or Bleeding after child birth.

This is Harām by consensus.

As for Oral Sex, then two things are considered.

One, the man’s organ is the exit for not only semen. It is also the exit for prostatic and other fluids.

While the Ulamā differed as to whether semen ( Manī) was Najāsah, they have a consensus that Prostatic Fluid ( Madh’yu ) was Najāsah.

Same, for the woman, it is the exit for fluids also.

And they have agreed that her Madh’yu is a Najāsah that must be washed.

It is for this reason that the Ulama differ on the ruling of Oral Sex.

Those that allowed it looked at the Generality of the permissibility of sexual pleasure and considered that this act should be permissible as long as there is no swallowing of fluids.

This position is weak.

This is because there are many health risks associated with oral sex that have been identified by Medical experts.

It is therefore better to avoid it even though those same Medical experts see and mentions means to circumvent these risks.

We ask Allāh for Guidance and Tawfīq, amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.



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