Q&A (Fatwa)

#688: Is it permissible to use measures that permanently stop a Mentally Unstable Woman from Childbirth?


“Question: Its a response to a question answered on family planning recently. What’s the Islamic verdict on permanent family planning for a mentally derailed person who is being used by unknown men and giving birth to children with equally mental disorders.”



What is the cause and nature of her mental derailment?

Is it natural?

If it is, then the solution is to help her through it medically.

And not medically damaging her child bearing ability for life.

If it is supernatural, in which case the inputs from Jinn have been sought upon her by some people, then the solution is to help her through it using the means of the Shar’ī Ruqyah as it is known with it’s experts.

Then, while it is true that certain mental illnesses can be hereditary in nature, there is no rule that every mentally ill woman will give to birth a mentally Ill child.

Again if the fear of her giving birth to a mentally ill baby is really felt, the solution that fits into our Dīn is to help isolate her from those that would like to commit the act that leads to babies.

And not permanently altering an ability that Allāh has granted her to produce her own progeny.

And Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.



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