Q&A (Fatwa)

#693: The Salāt observed behind the One that does Shirk


“Salamualaikum Warahmatullah… I have a question ….Is there any prohibition on praying behind imam who does shrik”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh


It is known and agreed upon that Shirk is the greatest infidelity that a human being can commit and the worst oppression.

For it is an oppression against Allāh of denying His Oneness and His exclusive right to ‘Ibadah.

To do shirk is to deny your Islām.

Why then should a Believer who hasn’t denied his Dīn observe the Salāt behind such a person?

The Ulamā are agreed that Whomsoever commits a shirk that takes him out of the fold of Islām will have his Salāt unaccepted until he repents and return to Islām.

If this is the state of his own Salāt, then on a greater note, the Salāt of the one who prays behind him is unacceptable.

May Allāh save us from Shirk, major and minor.


Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.



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