Q&A (Fatwa)

#699: Ruling on Profit Based Advertising Websites


“My Question is; What is the ruling on NNU online survey. You register with 1,300 then get #5 for any news or comment. Jazākallahu Khayran”


Alhamdulillāh, we have responded to Question Regarding Advertising generally in Q. 691 on our telegram Channel and have mentioned the condition for it’s permissibility.

In this particular question, what we understand, and Allāh knows best is that the advertiser is giving the Registered Person on the Website a share of the proceeds of the advert.

And we hope there is nothing wrong in this.

With the condition that what is advertised is free of Fahshā and Muharramāt

By fahshā the disgraceful deeds are meant, such as Zinā, Nakedness and it’s likes.

And because this initiative incorporates the one who registers and makes him a stake holder in the proceeds of the advertisement, it must be one that is free of transgressing any of the limits of Allāh.

But generally we advise our Brothers and Sisters to avoid and shun such mediums for they are never free of any of the above Muharramāt.

But if we were to have a Muslim Platform that does that in a Halāl way, there will be no problem in that Allāh willing.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.



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