Q&A (Fatwa)

#714: Ruling on Persistent Farting from the Vagina


“Assalaamu aleikum warahmatullah wabarokatuh. I experience uncontrollable farting of the vagina especially after using water to wash before performing ablution. Its really serious that I sometimes perform ablution more than three times for one prayer and I really feel bad. What should I do regarding my salat? Do you know of any means of curing it?”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh


We have responded in Question 673 on our Telegram Channel that though the Ulamā varried as to whether the Air that comes out of the front of a woman nullifies her Wudhū, what is stronger is the position held by the Shāfi’ī and Hanbalī Schools that it terminates the Wudhū based on the Generality of the ruling of farting.

We also referred in Question 666 that the one who suffers from uncontrollable breaking of the Wudhū either by excessive farting, dripping of urine and it’s likes, is permitted to combine his/her Salāt that s/he may not need to keep repeating the Wudhū, and if it’s very severe, to observe his/her Salāt without returning to repeat the Wudhū. This is about farting generally.

How about farting from the Vagina? This is more deserving of been included in this facilitation ( Rukhsah ) as it is a matter whose nullification of the Wudhū was a matter of disagreement among the Ulamā.

Therefore, what we advise the sister to do is to observe her Wudhū for every Salāt, and to complete her Salāt even though the fart comes while she is observing her Salāt, as long as she knows that it is from her front and has been uncontrollable and persistent, and Allāh knows best. Then, she is advised to seek urgent Medical Attention and Advice.

May Allāh Grant us understanding and Istiqāmah. Amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

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