Q&A (Fatwa)

#716: How can I differentiate between Wet Dreams and having relations witha Jinn in my Sleep?


“Salamu aleikum. Please help a sister.. What exactly is the meaning of wet dream in Islam? How do one differentiate between having a wet dream and having relation with a jinn while asleep? Am asking because I sometimes get very much aroused in my sleep and wake up tired sort of but not wet. Need your advice.”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


What we advise our sister is to always ensure that she goes to sleep with her Adhkār, the Ta’awīdh (Seeking the Refuge of Allāh) and the Du’ā that are recommended before sleeping.

You can refer to them in books of Adhkār such as Al-Kalimu At-Tayyib of Shaykhu Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah,Riyādhu As-Sālihīn or even Hisnu Al-Muslim, may Allah be merciful to it’s authors and unite us with them in the Firdaws amīn.

We also advise that she gets married if she has the ability to do that and the opportunity is there, for that will go a long way in protecting her from a lot of such situations.

Then, know that sexual intercourse between man and Jinn is possible in accordance with the position held by majority of the Ulamā.

This is because Allāh said:

لَمْ يَطْمِثْهُنَّ إِنْسٌ قَبْلَهُمْ وَلَا جَانٌّ

“Neither Man not Jinn had penetrated their hymens beforehand.”

This came in Sūratu Ar-Rahmān when speaking about the women of Jannah. About this verse Ibn Al-Jawzī – rahimahullāh – said:
“This is proof that a Jinn can penetrate a woman like man.”

There are three possibilities for a woman with respect to intercourse with the Jinn:

1. That she feels that such is happening while she is asleep. For this, she does not need to wash and observe the Ghusl except if she sees her fluid after she wakes up. This cannot also be referred to as true intercourse but just a dream. As for the tiredness she might feel after waking up, it could be as a result of the movement of her limbs when she sees such in her dream or it’s like. There is no Ghusl obligatory upon her unless she sees the fluid.

2. That the Jinn takes human form and she sees him in reality, not in her dreams, having intercourse with her. For this, she must observe the Ghusl whether she ejaculates her fluid or not for the reason of penetration.

3. That she feels penetration in reality, not in a dream, but did not see any human approaching her. For her, the Ulamā differed whether she must observe the Ghusl. The majority of the Fuqahā held that she must observe the Ghusl. The Hanafis disagree however. This was mentioned by Ad-Dasūqī in the Hāshiyah, In Hajar Al-Haytamī Ash-Shāfi’ī in his Tuhfah and Al-Mardāwī in Al-Insāf.

Now, the difference between the Wet Dream and Having intercourse with a Jinn is that the Wet Dream is a dream that involves a human not a Jinn.

However, every ejaculation whether in reality or in a dream is an obligation for Ghusl. Likewise, every penetration whether with ejaculation or not is an obligation for Ghusl.

As we have said above, this sister needs to strengthen herself with the Adhkār and the Supplications. And to seek to get married as much as she can.

And Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

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