Q&A (Fatwa)

#753: Response to the One who claims to see that a House hinders the Success of its Inhabitants


Salaam alaikum admin. How are you doing today?

I have asked couple of questions on IslamNode that are still yet to be attend to. Please, I hope the management will be able to answer this ones as soon as possible
If someone was told by someone to leave where he currently stay and relocate to another place because a person claim to see that staying in the house hinders his success and before he leave he should slaughter a ram and cooked for people to eat (Saraa). Please what is the Islamic rulings to this?Thank you sir”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum.

We must apologize firstly for not having to have responded to your questions earlier. We ask that Allāh forgives us and you altogether and grant us from Him a Light that illumines our hearts and hinders us from falling into error, amīn.

As for this particular question of yours, it is not permissible for a Believer in Allāh and the Last Day to comply with such a demand from this man. This is because matters like this are only arrived at by virtue of Wah’y (Revelation) and cannot be known except by way of that.

Then, living in a particular house can never hinder the success of a Believer. Rather, it is possible that a house is infested with Jinn and in that case a person may either fight the Jinn in the way that is prescribed in the Sunnah using the Ruqyah or to vacate the house accordingly.

But to claim that a person needs to make some sacrifice, this is far fetched and similar to the Jahili practices of idol worshippers and the excesses of the extreme Mutasawwifah who have sold their Dīn to the Jinn

Rather, what you are advised to do is to go closer to your Lord and ensure that Sūratu Al-Baqarah and Al-Imran are recited in your home everyday. For they are the Zaharawān (the Two Pearl Flowers) of the Qur’ān as was mentioned by the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – in the Hadīth recorded by Imām Ahmad. And they are a protection for their reciter in this World and the Next. And Sūratu Al-Baqarah is Anti-Jinn.

He – salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam – said:

إن البيت الذي تقرأ فيه سورة البقرة لا يقربه شيطان ثلاث ليالٍ

“Indeed the House in which Sūratu Al-Baqarah is recited is not neared by the Shaytān for three nights”

And in the Hadīth recorded by Imām Muslim, he said:

إن الشيطان ينفر من البيت الذي تقرأ فيه سورة البقرة

“Indeed the Shaytān flees from the house in which Sūratu Al-Baqarah is recited”

He said also:

اقرؤوا البقرة؛ فإن أخذها بركة، وتركها حسرة، ولا تستطيعها البطلة السحرة

“Recite Al-Baqarah for in it’s taking is Barakah, it’s leavings is misfortune and the People of Sihr and Misguidance are rendered incapable in it’s face.”

Likewise, be a person of Dhikr and let not your tongue go dry with it.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran

📚 IslāmNode



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