Q&A (Fatwa)

#757: Dilemma on choosing between a Christian and a Muslim Hairdresser


“Assalamu’alaeykum warahmatuLlah. A question from a Sister. I am presently leaving in an area were there are two hair dressers ( for normal hair plating), one of them is a Muslim and the other is a Christian, the condition of the Muslim beautician is that the plaiting can only be done outside, expose to random men, while in the case of the Christian beautician the plaiting can be done within or inside or in an enclosed place away from the sight of random men. The question is that is she allowed to go to the Christian beautician even though there is a hadith of the Prophet that prohibit such or should she rather go with the Muslim beautician even with the pending condition, to ease the doubt please provide a solid evidence. Note: because of these issue the Sister have not plaited her hair for some time now, so urgency is quite important”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


We are sorry for the delay in responding to your question. We ask Allāh to grant us and you Tawfīq, amīn.

We have responded in Question 544 (see Telegram Channel) that the stronger position with the Ulamā is that it is permissible for a Christian to plait hair for a Muslim woman as long as she does not have any reason to think that there is harm to her Dīn or Dunya in that. However what is best is a Muslim Hair dresser.

Given the situation mentioned, what is expected of the Sister is first, to seek for an alternative hair dresser who is Muslim and who does not expose women that make hair with her at the open and in random. Her inability to get that would warrant her doing it with the Christian Hair Dresser.

It is not permissible for her to remain without making her hair except with the insistence of her husband. This is because hair making is one of those unique things that women should use in beautifying themselves and making themselves presentable to their husbands. And experience has shown that men appreciate well made hairs.

We seek Allāh’s guidance, amīn

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

11th Rājab 1440AH.

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