Q&A (Fatwa)

#758: Ruling on Reducing One`s Age for Employment or Admission


” It is exactly 2 years since I asked questions which you and your team refused to answer. What is the ruling on reducing ones age to take up employment or pursue admission? I pray help us to answer it now”


Alhamdulillāh Rabbi Al-‘Ālamīn

Honored brother, we ask Allāh to grant you succour and illumination in your Dīn, amīn.

Again, sincere apologies to you for the delay in responding to your question. Allāh suffices you as tranquility.

Know, o brother that to reduce your age is generally a form of lie telling and is as repugnant as other lies are. A believer should avoid falling into that hole or making that a tradition.

When employers seek for people within specific age brackets to be given employments, this is very justified as there could be restrictions to the kind of job role certain age brackets can deliver.

While it may be argued that it is not right for any institution that gives knowledge to restrict it’s admission requirement to people of certain age brackets since knowledge is meant for everyone, it is not Permissible to lie generally and it is a form of deception.

Our summation is that you avoid this as this is a repugnant and disgraceful act for a Muslim as it combines lying and deception both of which are disgraceful and Harām. And Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

11th Rājab 1440AH.

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