Q&A (Fatwa)

#759: Ruling on the Yoruba Belief: “Abiku and Emere”


” Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh . Please, what is Islam stance concerning Yoruba belief that “some set of people(children) belong to an occult group before they are born” Yoruba call this set of people “Elegbe Omo”(omo omin, Emere,Abiku and the likes). My sister was told she belong to one of those group , hence, why she encounter some difficulties and she need to be giving young children snacks (of any kind). Does doing this amount to Shirk?”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


With regards to the concept of Abiku and Emere in the Yoruba tradition, the implications of this belief and convictions is to the effect that some Spirits (Jinn) afflict pregnant women with a cycle of child death. These children are said to be the same child been born by the same woman over and over again and who keep dying either at very tender age or at the days of their happiness such as marriage. Some Yoruba traditionists believe that in prevention of this, pregnant women are to avoid dark places, going out at night, river sides, T – junctions at midday and the likes. They also proffer amulets such as the use of needles at the hems of clothes, etc. The only way, according to this Tradition, to solve the Abiku cycle once detected by a traditionist is to offer certain sacrifices to appease the spirit of the Abiku.

To believe in this imprisonment by a Jinn Spirit and to offer Sacrifices to appease such Jinns is Shirk that takes a person out of the fold of Islām. In Islām we have our ways of protecting ourselves from the effects of Shayātīn whether Married women or not. The Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – has affirmed that there are Shayātīn that may afflict us and he has given us preventative measures to combat the occurrence of such. These ranges from the Adh’kār that we are to supplicate when stepping out of our homes, when eating, when wearing clothes, etc. He also commanded us to take our women and children into the houses at sunset and to close our doors, to cover our drinking vessels, and to prevent our children from going out after that. Refer to the Sahihayn.
There are many other measures to protect us from the evils of Shayātīn.

Likewise, to solve our problems when we are inflicted by Shayātīn are measures prescribed by Islām and the Ummah right from the Days of the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – to day have implemented those measures and found solutions in them.

Let whosoever fears or feels that he is afflicted by Shayātīn or Spirits refer to true Ulamā in his/her neighbourhood who stick to the Sunnah of the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – for spiritual advice and recommendation on the treatment of such afflictions.

Help your sister off this belief and prevent her from the offering of these Shirkī beliefs and sacrifices lest she falls into Kufr.

May Allāh guide us, guide you, protect our Īmān, protect yours, and save your sister from the traps of Shaytān and the whispers of the People of Shirk, amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum.
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

11th Rājab 1440AH.

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