Q&A (Fatwa)

#775: Would the World be more peaceful if there was only One Religion?


“Pls I want answer to this question…Would the world be a more peaceful place if there was only one religion?”



May Allāh Grant me and you a thorough Understanding of the Dīn, amīn.

As for your question, O beloved one, know that indeed there is only one Religion that is recognized by Allāh and that is Islām for He has told us that He has perfected the Dīn for us and chosen it as our Only accepted way of life. He mentioned that the only Religion and Way of Life to Him is Islām and it is obligatory upon everyone who believes in Allāh and the Last Day to so hold firm and believe.

As for the other diverse ways, and the other Paths that people follow and call them religions, then they are nothing but Misguidance and Allāh clearly told us that had He willed, the entirety of the Creation would have been divinely compelled into belief in Islām. However Allāh has given free will to Men and Jinn and guided them to the faculty of reasoning and the ability to choose which of the two ways they prefer: the Path that resonates with reason, intellect, default status at birth, guidance and compete alignment with Allāh and His Command: Islām, or the Paths of Misguidance and affinity for the whims of the caprices of the soul: anything other than Islām.

For as long as this is the Destination of Allāh and this is His Creation, we are not, as believers, required to contemplate a better world in which everybody followed Islām by freewill. Rather what is required of us is to practice in toto what we are commanded to, and to call upon others to the doing of same.

And Allāh has his designs in the affairs of His Creation…

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran .

18th Sha’abān, 1440AH.

📚 IslāmNode




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