Q&A (Fatwa)

#788: Ruling on Observing a Compulsory Salāt behind One who is observing Nāfilah


“Please what is the evidence that allow me to pray a compulsory prayer behind someone praying nawafil”



Know, may Allāh be pleased with us and you, that the Ulamā have differed on the ruling of the Imām and the Ma’mūm having different Intentions in the observance of the Salāt.

The first position, which is that favoured by Tāwūs, Al-Awzā’ī, Imām Ahmad, as quoted of them by Ibn Al-Mundhir, and the official position of the Shāfi’ī School is that it is permissible for the one observing Fard to make his Salāt behind the one observing Nāfilah, vice versa, and the one observing Fard to make it behind the one observing another Fard. They did not make the intention of the Imām a deciding factor. Rather they premised their position on the intention of the follower. Thereby, every person is recorded for what he intended praying of the Salāt.

Their evidence is the Hadīth that was recorded in the Sahihayn that Mu’ādh Bn Jabal would observe the Ishā with the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – then return to his people and then lead them in Salāt. In the Riwāyah of Imām Ash-Shāfi’ī that he recorded in Al-Umm, it is said:

“Mu’ādh used to observe the Ishā Salāt with the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – then he would return to his people and lead them in same Salāt. For him it is a Nāfilah and a Maktūbah (Compulsory) for them.”

In the Hadīth is proof that it is permissible for the one observing Fard to make it behind one who is observing Nāfilah.

The position of the Second Party, and it is the position favoured by Abū Hanīfah, and Ath-Thawrī, also a narration from Mālik, that it is not permissible to observe the Fard behind an Imām who is observing Nāfilah but the reverse is permissible.

And there is no difficulty holding that this position is seriously weakened by the Hadīth of Mu’ādh mentioned above.

The third position, and it is that favoured by Az-Zuhri, Rabī’ah, Hasan Al-Basrī, Yahya bn Sa’īd Al-Ansārī, and Mālik, that it is only permissible to observe Salāt behind an Imām who is observing the same Salāt as the Ma’amūm.

There is also no difficulty understanding that this position is weak when confronted with the Hadīth of Mu’ādh mentioned by Ash-Shāfi’ī – rahimahullāh.

Stick unto the position of the Imām Muhammad bn Idrīs Ash-Shāfi’ī Al-Mutallabī – rahimahullāh – on this matter for it is that which is solid on proof.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

21st Ramadān, 1440AH.

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