Q&A (Fatwa)

#802: The Reward of a Sister who made Donations in Ramadān but was cheated by the One She Entrusted


“Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah. Beloved Ustadh, a sister drew my attention to a matter and she is seeking words of solace and comfort. She trusted a muslim brother to carry out some donations this ramadan but she discovered that the brother did not buy or donate most of the items she told him to get…She is worried now and asking if her efforts are now in vain or if she won’t get the complete reward since the items didn’t get to those she targeted. Jazakumullahu khayran.”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh


Her efforts and rewards are not in vain Bi Idhnillāh this is because she entrusted the charity to someone who she reasonably assumed was trustworthy.

The Ulamā have agreed, as was mentioned by Imām An-Nawawī in Al-Majmū’ that it is permissible to entrust the giving of Sadaqāt to trustworthy representatives to do same on your behalf. She has therefore not done wrong in entrusting a Muslim Brother to do that.

If the one to whom the Zakāt or Sadaqah is entrusted fails to deliver what he was entrusted with and consumes the wealth or puts it in other than it’s rightful place, then the burden of the sin is upon him and not on the one who gave the Zakāt or Sadaqah and entrusted it to him. This is an agreement of the Ulamā. Ar-Ramlī Ash-Shāfi’ī referred to this in Nihāyatu Al-Muhtāj Shar’hu Al-Minhāj.
She therefore does not have any reason to be disturbed. Except that some of the Ulamā premised this on a condition that she actually gave it to someone that seem trustworthy and didn’t give it to someone that is doubtful or crooked right from the onset.

And it is upon such person to fear Allāh and repent for his blatant sins. Why will a person consume the wealth that was given for the purpose of Zakāt or Sadaqah thereby truncating the benefits of the poor and the Needy and consuming the trust, betraying the one he is representing. We seek Allāh’s refuge from this sort of deed.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

2nd Shawwal, 1440AH.

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