Q&A (Fatwa)

#807: Ruling on sending Prayers on the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam when his name is mentioned while in Salāt


“Questions What about when prophet Muhammad Name is mentioned during solat ,can mamoon send blessings to him? Or recitation of suratul tin at the end?as some people use to while in solat”


Alhamdulillāh, as for saying the Salāt on the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – while in Salāt when the Imām recites a verse mentioning him, the Shāfi’ī position is that this is Mustahabb. This is mentioned in Hāahiyatu Al-Qalyūbī

As for the Mālikis they allow it but emphasis that it should be said inaudibly. This was mentioned by Imām Al-Bājī in Al-Muntaqā.

The Hanafis considered it disliked if one initiates it. However if it is said as a response to the calling of the Prophet, they considered this a termination of the Salāt. Ibn Al-Humām mentioned this in Fat’hu Al-Qadīr.

While it is Permissible to do this, it is not a Sunnah and it is better to avoid it. This is because it hasn’t been proven from any of the Companions of the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – that they did this in their Salāt or encouraged that it be done. Were it to be a Sunnah it would have been mentioned from them. Rather what is known is that whenever the Qur’ān is recited by the Imām, they kept mute and pondered over it’s meanings.

And Allāh knows best.

As for saying after recitation of Sūratu At-Tīn, ‘Balā Wa Nahnu ‘Alā Dhālika Mina Ash-Shāhidīn’ ( Indeed and we are of those that bear witness), this has been narrated from some of the Companions such as Abū Hurayrah, Abū Mūsā Al-Ash’arī and ‘Ā’isha – radiyallāhu ‘anhum. However some of the Ahādith are weak while some are strong and the Ulamā differed as regards it. The position of the Shāfi’iyyah is that it is permissible and encouraged. Imām An-Nawawī mentioned this in Al-Majmū’ Rahimahullāh.

May Allāh illumine your hearts and minds and reward you with the best of this world and the next.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

4th Shawwal, 1440AH.

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