Q&A (Fatwa)

#820: Ruling on the Hymen of Women and Testing Virginity through it


“Asalamun aleikum ya ustza, pls I wnt to knw Islam evidence on this write up I will send below, it is always an issue between some brothers and some sisters . I could hv love to post it in some groups. Pls quick attention needed”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

May Allāh illumine your heart, amīn.

Know that the matters of health are best answered by Health experts and as this matter is relating to the loss or maintaining of virginity, it’s a medical issue that is best attended to by Medical experts.

However, it should be known that some of our Fuqahā have agreed that hymen virginity is not only preserved by not having relations with men. They mentioned that jumping, insertion of fingers, very heavy menses and other factors can lead to the loss of the hymen. These are also possibilities. This was mentioned in Kashshāfu Al-Qinā, Al-Mabsūt and Fatāwah Al-Kubrā.

But let not any lady deceive herself, the most probable and most common way of losing the hymen is through intercourse and what the communities hold unto of assuming that women who did not lose their hymen at first intimacy with their husbands must have had intercourse before that is close to the truth as intercourse remains the major way through which the hymens are lost. The other means record very few cases. This is known.

Rather, the impression that must be enhanced is that it is not definite and a woman might have lost her hymens even without having sexual relations. This is necessary so that a groom will think good of his wife and not rush to making unsubstantiated conclusions on matters like this.

May Allāh guide us all and be merciful to us, amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran

19th Dhū Al-Qa’adah, 1440AH.

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