Q&A (Fatwa)

#821: Error in Sujūd As-Sahw


“Assalāmu alaykum warahmatullāh admin. Question, I prayed two raka’ats for maghrib and made taslim then the followers alerted me and I rose up and completed the other raka’a. But in my confusion I did sujud qabli to correct the prayer and after a long while I realized my mistake. How is our prayer?”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


Know, o beloved one, that the Ulamā differed as to the Sujud of Sah’w and which is done in which place.

The position of Imām Muhammad bn Idrīs Ash-Shāfi’i rahimahullāh is that all of it is before the Taslīm (Qablī) whether it was an addition or an omission.

The position favoured by Imām Abū Hanīfah is that all of it is after the Taslīm (Ba’adī)

The position favoured by Mālik is that omission goes with Qablī (The two Sajdah is before the Taslīm) while addition goes with Ba’adī (after the Taslīm). This is also the position of Ash-Shāfi’ī in his earlier position.

The position of Imām Ahmad is that the default is that it be before the Taslīm except for scenerio that are specifically narrated from the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – that he did it after the Taslīm.

However, all of these Ulamā are in agreement that an error committed in Sujūd As-Sahw is not to be mended by another Sujūdu As-Sahw.

The Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī – rahimahullāh – said in Al-Mughnī:

“And Sujūd is not recommended for error made in Sujūd As-Sahw. There is a statement to that regard from (Imām) Ahmad. And Is’hāq (bn Rāhawayh) said it was an Ijmā because that leads to a continuous chain.”

And the Precept of Fiq’h that says:

يغتفر في التابع ما لا يغتفر في المتبوع

“It is overlooked for the following what is not overlooked for the followed”

By following is meant a thing that is done by virtue of something else such as the Sajdah of Sah’w here which is done for the sake of something else which is the omission or addition in the Salāh

Therefore there is no blame on you and your Salāt is sound inshā Allāh.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

23rd Dhū Al-Qa’adah, 1440AH.

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