Q&A (Fatwa)

#822: Ruling on pulling of the Stockings after wiping on it and observing Salāt


“As salaam alaykum sir, pls I want to ask question pertaining to wearing socks, it goes thus, I am at home and I want to go out after solat dhur, so I perform ablution and wear my socks, I perform solar and leave the house, I return within five minute and I didn’t off the sock bcus I still want to go out, I use the sock to perform solat asr, so when it is time for magrib I perform ablution then off the socks and want to perform solat, so whats the ruling, is my solatul magrib valid or not, I mean will I have to perform another ablution since I have off the sock some minute after I perform ablution to perform solat”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


We ask Allāh to grant Tawfīq to us and to you, amīn.

Know, may Allāh be pleased with you, that there is no single Hadīth that is established from the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – to the effect that he wiped over stockings. Rather what is Mutawātir from him is that he wiped over the Khuff.

As for the Hadīth that was recorded by Imām Abū Īsah At-Tirmidhī from Abū Qays from Huzayl bn Shurahbīl from Mughīrah Ibn Shu’ubah that the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – wiped over the stockings, this Hadīth is weak though Imām At-Tirmidhī considered it Hassan but his grading it as such has not been accepted by the Ulamā for it is known, that this Hadīth is weak and only Abū Qays considered it to be the stockings that was wiped upon. Of the Stallions of Hadīth that considered it weak are Imām Ahmad, Sufyān Ath-Thawrī, Muslim, An-Nasa’ī and Ad-Dāraqutnī – rahimahumullāh. None of the Ulamā of Hadīth saw the grading of At-Tirmidhī to be above the authority of any single one of these Imāms with regards to Hadīth.

However, it is confirmed from the Sahābah – ridwānullāh ‘alayhim – that they wiped over the stockings as was mentioned by Ibn Al-Mundhir in Al-Awsat. Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī referred in Al-Mughnī, to it as an Ijmā of the Sahābah since it wasn’t recorded from any of them that they opposed it’s wiping.

That said, know that the ruling that applies to the wiping of the Khuff is exactly what applies to the Stockings as was mentioned by Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmū’atu Al-Fatāwah.

As for the period of wiping then it is a day and a night for the one who is resident and not on a journey as was established in the Hadīth of ‘Alī radiyallāhu ‘anhu. This is established.

From the scenerio depicted, there is nothing wrong with the fact that you pulled it off after observing the Wudhū and observed Salātu Al-Maghrib without it on you. This is because you had put it on while you were in a state of Tahārah.

And Allāh knows best

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

24th Dhū Al-Qa’adah, 1440AH.

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