#825: Does Sahīh Muslim contain Weak Ahādith
“Also ya shaykh, I also want to ask if its true that their is a hadeeth in sahihul musleem that’s weak?”
Assalāmu alaykum warahmatullāh wabarakātuh.
It makes better sense to say there are Ahādith that did not meet all the conditions of Sahīh Hadīth that was set by some Ulamā.
This is because despite this not meeting all those conditions, the entire Ummah has accepted the Ahādith of the Sahihayn and regarded them as Sahīh.
This is ‘Ijmā and it’s one of the strongest Hijjah we have in the Dīn. This was mentioned by Ibn Hajar in Had’yu As-Sārī and As-Suyūtī in Al-‘Itqān.
But this does not go to say that there are no Ahādith that are not inplemented because indeed there are Ahādith regarded in the long run as Maqlūb and the likes.
And from Allāh comes Tawfīq.
Let me mention lastly that those who go around shocking the commoners among the Ummah with these kinds of statements are not doing very good bearing in mind that most of these commoners do not understand these intricacies.
Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.
18th Dhū Al-Qa’adah, 1440AH.
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