Q&A (Fatwa)

#826: Ruling on the Wordings of the Song; Yaa Taybah Yaa Taybah!!!


_👌 I just watched a-minute plus fatwa of Shaykh Saalih As-Suhaymī(hafidhahullah) on the hukmu(ruling) of singing the song: *Yaa Taybah Yaa Taybah…*, whereby Shaykh(hafidhahullah) ruled it to be Shirk and that’s the real fact!_

👉 As i heard this fatwa of Shaykh, I immediately tried jotting all the song down and as I was doing so, the children around me were already reading this polytheistic song!!! Imagine! The song is just too widespread among the masses especially among the children! {Allah’s aid is sought}

_👉 Moreso, The Shirk contained in the song are just numerous, but some of it are:_
_☝️ *Calling upon Taybah i.e Madeenah to cure them!*_
_✌️ *Asking Safety from Madeenah!*_

_👌 Likewise, this song is haram to sing for 2 main things:_
_☝️ *It contains Shirk words!*_
_✌️ *It contains musical instruments!_

🤲 والله المسؤول أن يسدد خطانا وأن يثبت أقدامنا على الإسلام.


✍️ Abu Muhammad, Soodiq bn Jaamiu.

Question: Assalāmu alaykum warahmatullāh

Ustādh what’s your take on this.


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


The overview of Shaykh Sālih Sa’ad As-Suhaymī on this matter is correct that it implies Shirk if taken directly, and though, the wordings to which he referred in the Nashīd can be interpreted figuratively and may not necessarily be taken as Shirk, that it be avoided completely is necessary, best and safe. The Shaykh himself in his Fatwah referred by this bn Jaamiu referred to the fact that he is not ruling definitely on the singer or the singers who read and recite it, given excuses and the likes, and that he was talking generally.

I say, that this Nashīd be avoided is the choice of anyone possessed of Intellect and Dīn for it’s ambiguity on something that can imply shirk, it’s musical instruments and the fact that there are Anashid that are composed by Ulamā of Sunnah.
Why not? When it contains words that are Shirk if left uninterpreted and wasn’t composed of anyone possessed of Ilm of the people of Sunnah. Rather, it was composed by some commoners in the year 2003.

As for the writer of this statement, I mean Soodiq bn Jaamiu, he needed to do more than this to be taken seriously and listened to. He needed to bring the words of the Nashīd, translate it and highlight the concerns referred to it in. A methodology such as this does not help the sincere Muslims out there who are already engrossed in the likes of it. We ask Allāh to rectify us and him, amīn.

For the purposes of clarity, I will follow with the wordings, bārakallāhu Fīkum.

يا طيبة
يا دوا العيانا
اشتقنالك والهوى نادانا
الهوى نادنا

لما سار المركب نساني
ساروا والدمع ما جفاني
أخدوا قلبي مع جناني
يا طيبة يا تيمة الولهانة
يا تيمة الولهانة

يا طيبة يا طيبة
يا دوا العيانا
اشتقنالك والهوى نادانا
والهوا نادنا

قبلتي بيت الله صابر
علّني يوماً لكِ زائر
يا تُرى هل تراني ناظر للكعبة
وتغمرني بأمانا
وتغمرني بأمانا

يا طيبة يا طيبة
يا دوا العيانا
اشتقنالك والهوى نادانا
والهوا نادنا

نبينا أغلى أمنياتي
أزورك ولو مرة بحياتي
وبجوارك صلّي صلاتي
وأذكر ربي وأتلو القرآن
وأتلو القرآن

يا طيبة يا طيبة
يا دوا العيانا
اشتقنالك والهوى نادانا
والهوا نادنا

بشراك المدينة بشراك
بقدوم الهادي يا بشراكي
وهل لي مأوى في حماك؟
أتمنى فالنور سبانا
نوركم سبانا

يا طيبة يا طيبة
يا دوا العيانا
اشتقنالك والهوى نادانا
والهوا نادنا

O Tayba, O Tayba
O cure of the patient
We missed you, and passion has called us to you
Passion has called us to you.

As the ship departed, it forgot me
They sailed away and my tears never dried up
They took my heart and my soul with them
O Tayba, you’re the distracted’s love
You’re the distracted’s love.

O Tayba, O Tayba
O cure of the patient
We missed you, and passion has called us to you
Passion has called us to you.

My direction of prayer (my Qiblah), the house of Allah, I’m patient
Perhaps a day will come to visit you
I wonder, Will I be looking upon al-Kaaba
And being overwhelmed with it’s safety
And being overwhelmed with it’s safety.

O Tayba, O Tayba

O cure of the patient
We missed you, and passion has called us to you
Passion has called us to you.

Our Prophet, my best wishes, to visit you,
At least once in my life
And near you, to perform my prayers
To praise my Lord, and to recite the Qur’an
And to recite the Qur’an.

O Tayba, O Tayba
O cure of the patient
We missed you, and passion has called us to you
Passion has called us to you.

O Madina, How lucky you are
For the coming of the loadstar
May I have a shelter beside you
Indeed, your light has enchanted us
It has enchanted us.

O Tayba, O Tayba
O cure of the patient
We missed you, and passion has called us to you
Passion has called us to you.

📚 IslāmNode




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