Q&A (Fatwa)

#836: Ruling on Feeding Animals that are Harām in the Shari`ah to eat


Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatu Llaah

A brother asked:
“Please are we allowed to feed animals like dog and pig?… Though we can’t eat them”

Jazaakumu Llaahu khayran


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Alhamdulillāh, the Messenger of Allāh – salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam – was sent as as a Mercy to all of Creation and his Sharī’ah is that of mercy and justice and everything Allāh has created has it’s rightful share in that Mercy and justice, animals and plants alike. In the Hadith of ‘Abdullah bn ‘Umar – radiyallāhu ‘anhumā – the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – has mentioned the gravity of sin on the one who possesses an animal and does not give it it’s right due of food. He – salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam – said:

عُذِّبت امرأةٌ في هرَّة ربطَتْها حتى ماتت، فدخلَتْ فيها النَّارَ، لا هي أطعمَتْها ولا سقَتْها إذ حبسَتْها، ولا هي تركَتْها تأكل من خَشَاش الأرض

“A woman was punished in regards to a cat she tied down until it died, she was made to enter the Nār in respect of it. She didn’t feed it nor gave it water when she tied it down, nor did she allow it to eat from the insects of the earth”

This Hadīth is recorded by Imām Al-Bukhārī and Muslim.

Likewise, if an animal is not yours, it is honorable, rewarding and the Sunnah to be kind to it, except for the animals we were commanded to kill wherever we find them. In the Hadīth that was recorded by Imām Muslim from Abū Hurayrah radiyallāhu’anhu, the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam – said:

أن امرأةً بَغِيّاً رأَتْ كلباً في يوم حارٍّ يُطِيفُ ببئر قد أَدْلَعَ لسانَه من العطش، فنَـزَعَتْ له بِمُوقِها، فغُفِر لها

“That a prostitute woman saw a dog once on a very hot day hovering around a well, it’s tongue was lolled out it’s tongue out of severe heat. She then used her stocking to fetch some water for it. She was then forgiven”

Therefore, the fact that an animal was made Harām for consumption does not imply that we shouldn’t be good to that animal.

We ask Allāh for Guidance amīn.
Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

📚 IslāmNode




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