Q&A (Fatwa)

#840: Can The Permissibility Of Telling Lies In The Path Of Da’awah Be Deduced From The Story Of The Boy And The King?


“Sallam alaykum ya Shiek,pls is this regarded as a lie,what the priest told the boy to say,if yes,does that warrant using method of saying something which in reality is not the real thing in order for One to Spread ALLAH’S Dawa’ah in the case of Situations where there is a fear of persecution or been cautious of security purposes to protect onself,barakallahu fek as you answer”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

Regarding the Story of the Boy and the King, Imām An-Nawawī rahimahumullāh mentioned in his Shar’h on Sahīh Muslim:

“In this Hadīth is a confirmation of the Special Miracles of the Saints. And in it is the Permissibility of lieing in war and it’s likes, and in saving the soul from perishing, same whether his soul or that of other than him that is sanctified…”

This is because majority of the Ulamā derived from the Hadīth the Permissibility of lieing to protect the Dīn and the Soul. This is because the boy was exposed to torture both at home when he returns late from seeing the Magician, and at the Magician’s place when he returns there from the Shaykh’s place.

The alternative to lieing here would be for him to say the truth and therefore compromise the security of the Shaykh and the propagation of the Dīn. It is important to note that the essence for which the Shaykh wanted the secret to be kept was for the Maslahah of the continuity of the Da’awah and not merely because of his life as we can see that at the end of the Story when the Boy mentioned his name under torture, he did not blame the boy nor backed down from his Faith, not lied about his Faith. Rather he maintained the Steadfastness of Mountains.

Overall, the story of the Boy and the King is one of the most important Stories that is necessary to be studied and digested by the People of Dīn and Da’awah in this era of ours where Kufr has censured the propagation of the Tawhīd of Allāh.

An excellent writing on this was done by Shaykh Rifā’ī Surūr – rahimahullāh – and a Translation into English Language by At-Tibyān Publications (Attached).

We ask Allāh to benefit us with the Knowledge that enlightens, amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

21st Muharram, 1441AH.

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