#840: Notes on a Woman called “Irshad Manji”
“There is this woman named Irshad Manji who claims to be a Muslim and gay at the same time. She Wrote a book titled “the trouble with Islam”. In it she advocates for reforms in Islam. I believe scholars need to engage her directly or indirectly by writing a reply to the book. In this age of uncensored reading, the book is causing harm to young and ignorant Muslims. Please admin it will be nice to discuss this with scholars. Jazakallahu Khiaran”
Irshād Manji is one of the many writers out there who have abandoned the Dīn and placed their intellects as free as it is over the restrictions in the Text of the Qur’ān and the Hadīth. There has been many books and speeches from her to the effect of this and there is nothing extra ordinary in her presentations that distinguish her from her fellow secularists. The West fully knows these writers and support that their voices reach far an wide that they may wreck havoc in the young Muslims coming up.
There is actually a fear that Muslim youths coming up that are exposed to Social Media Platforms can easily get caught up with the likes of these Individuals and their writings.
The proper reaction to this is for us to further fortify ourselves and our children with a Knowledge that illuminates the mind and protect the Creed from the Pitfalls of Ignorance and Misguidance. A proper Muslim Education that burnishes the Imān and increases one’s closeness to Allāh coupled with sound Ilm protects one from falling off the Path of Allāh.
As for her book that was referred to by you, while there might be reason to respond to it and rebut accordingly, there is more need for Muslim Youths to study their Dīn and for Muslim Scholars and Students of Knowledge to teach the Dīn accordingly to the Ignorants.
It has been said that the Zakāt of Ilm is it’s teaching.
May Allāh make easy for us the teaching of what we know and the learning of that which we do not.
And Allāh knows best
Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran
21st Muharram, 1441AH.