Q&A (Fatwa)

#847: Muhammad bn Muhammad bn Muhammad Najmuddīn Al-Ghazzī Al-‘Āmirī, Al-Qurashī Ad-Dimashqī


“Ḥusn at-Tanabbuh lima warada fi-Tashabbuh (The Beauty of Awakening to what has been regarding Imitation) by Imam Najmud-deen al-Ghazzi ash-shaf`i from Shaam.

Asalamuh Alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakatuh, Please Admin who is Imam Ghazzi and where can I find the aforementioned book of his?”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh

He is born Muhammad bn Muhammad bn Muhammad Najmuddīn Al-Ghazzī Al-‘Āmirī, Al-Qurashī Ad-Dimashqī. He was known as Abū Al-Makārim Najmuddīn, 977 years after the Hijrah.

His father Badruddīn Al-Ghazzī was a Polymath adept with Usūl, Hadith and Fiq’h and was referred as Shaykhu Al-Islam in Shām. And thus did he train his son except that he passed away when his son Najmuddīn was seven. His mother completed his Tarbiyyah and trained him into an Imām of Usūl and Fiq’h for he specialized in Shāfi’ī Fiq’h and was a Historian referred as Hāfidh.

He catalogued the writings of his father and those of the era that preceded him and put together a multi-volume book he titled Al-Kawākibu As-Sā’irah Bi Manāqibi A’ayāni Al-Mā’ata Asharah.

And of his many books is the book to which you referred. Husnu At-Tanabbuh Limā Warada Fi At-Tashabbuh.

As for this book, it is today a 12-Volume book, 6,988 pages published by Dāru An-Nawādir.

He divided the Book into Two Sections.

The first section details the People that Allāh has commanded us to emulate: Angels, Prophets, Shuhadāh, Sālihīn, Siddīqīn, etc.

The Second Section details those that Allāh has forbidden is from emulating: Shaytān, Kuffār, Fussāq, People of Bid’ah, the Opposite Sex, Animals, etc.

He then ended his book by talking about the merits of Returning to Allah and repenting. There he also mentioned 15 benefits of Tawbah, the Conditions for it’s acceptance, and the Warners of Death.

He recorded the Date of it’s completion as Wednesday the 16th of Jumada Al-Ākhirah 1038.

He passed away 1061 years after the Hijrah after leading a life of ‘Ibādah knowledge and Teaching.

We ask Allāh to be merciful to Imām Najimuddīn Al-Ghazzī and to unite us with him in the Firdaws, amīn amīn amīn.

As for the book, you can download the scan below.

Ahsanallāhu Ilaykum Wa Yuslihu Bālakum, amīn

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran


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