Q&A (Fatwa)

#854: Ruling on whether only Ten Verses of Sūratul Kahf should be recited on Fridays or its Entirety


A brother told me that on Friday, only. 10 verses of surah kahf is to be recited, not the entire surah if one wants to get it’s reward, is this the case



First of all, know that the reward attached by scholars of Hadīt have differed regarding the reward of reciting suratul kahf. They differ regarding it being restricted to Fridays or it applies to all days of the week. (And by reciting here it means reciting the entire surah.)

I see that the strongest of opinions (and absolute knowledge belongs to Allāh ta’aala alone) is that the reward is not restricted to Fridays alone. And this is because Sheikh Ulwan- may Allāh free and preserve him- when he was asked this question replied:

The Hadīth of Abī Saeed “whoever recites suratul kahf on Friday, a light will kindled for him between two Fridays” This narrative was transmitted with various statements. And all narrations that comes with the statement of Friday or the night of Friday are all defective. Because the narrative with the word Friday came through Naiim bin Hammaad Al khuzaa’i who is known for his weak memory. And the narrative that comes with the wordings of the night of Friday came from Hashim through Abī Haashim transmitted by Ad-Daarimi is also defective. However, as regards the Hadīth transmitted by An Nasaaii in AL Kubra through the path of Shu’bah and also through the path of Sufyaan from Abī Haashim Al rumaanii from Abī Majlaz from Qais bin Ubaadah from Abī Saeed Al khudrii with the wordings: “whoever recites suratul kahf will have a light (kindled for him) between him and the ancient house (Ka’aba)” This narrative is authentic although it’s maukoof but it has the ruling of linking it directly to the prophet alaihi salam. Thus, the reward applies to all days of the week and not specific to Friday.”

Regarding the recitation of the first 10 verses or the last 10 verses of suratul kahf, it’s only attributed to being used as a protection from dajjal and is completely different from the issue discussed above as narrated by Muslim, narrated from Abu ad-Dardaa’ that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: “Whoever memorizes ten aayaat from the beginning of Surāt al-Kahf will be protected from the Dajjaal”

I hope by this you should be able to differentiate the issues. May Allāh grant us proper understanding of His dīn.

And Allah knows best.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran.

Abu Hafs

27th Safar, 1441AH

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