Q&A (Fatwa)

#864: Does to permission to combine Salāt necessarily imply permission to shorten it?


“Please I want to ask a question about combining solat (like praying ASR at the time of zuhr and praying ishai at the time of magrib because of high temperature of the sun or heavy rain) my question is that when the solat are combined can it also be shortened ( like praying 2 rakah instead of 4) like the case of traveling. I will really appreciate if my question is attended to as soon as possible. JazakumullahuKhyran”


Alhamdulillāh, we ask Allāh to illumine our soul and yours with the illumination of His Book, amīn.

Know, may Allāh be pleased with you, that the Ruling of Qasr (shortening of the Salāt) is entirely different from the Ruling of Jam’ (observing two Salāt at the same time). And the conditions that justify one are not the same that justify the other. This is the position of many of the Ulamā.

Of the matters that justify Shortening (Qasr) are Journey, Strangeness, fear and War, etc.

Of the matters that justify Observing two together include Justified Preoccupation, Journey, Fear, War, Rain, etc.

The Imāms of the four Madhāhib are in agreement that it is not permissible to shorten any Salāt or to observe two at the same time unless there is a justifiable reason among the reasons that have been established by the Shāri’ (The Law Giver). In this regard, Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī rahimahullāh said in Al-Mughnī:

“The Muslims in their entirety are in agreement that the Five Salawāt are fixed to their known specified times. And in this regard has come several Sound and excellent Ahādith”

Were combining Salāt without justification be acceptable, there would not have been need for their times to be specified.

Likewise, the Shortening of the Salāt without a Valid Reason is not permissible by Consensus.

For this reason, Imām Abū Muhammad Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusī rahimahullāh said in the Muhallā:

“And there is no difference of opinion on the fact that the number of Raka’āt (for any of the Salāt) does not vary except for Dhuhr, ‘Asr and Dusk ( ‘Atamah), for they are four Raka’āt for the Residents whether Sound of health or Ill, and Two Raka’āt if on a journey, and One Raka’ah in time of Fear. All of these are Surely Matters of Consensus except that the observance of one Raka’a for these in Fear is a matter differed upon.”

It therefore becomes apparent O beloved one that it is not permissible for you to mix the two rulings (Shortening and Combining) unless if the Causes for mixing them both such as Journey are obtainable.

And may Allah brighten your face and grant you Sound Life and Health, amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran

Abū ‘Āsim

2nd Rabīu Al-Awwal, 1441AH.

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