Q&A (Fatwa)

#865: Further Questions on Pregnancy and a Woman`s inability to Cope with same



After we responded to the Question fielded on whether inability to cope with pregnancy is a valid reason for a woman to abort a pregnancy and we responded highlighting the evil of such an act, some beloved ones have raised observations asking whether the same verdict is applicable to situations where the Pregnancy affects her health to such an extent that she may lose her life, and it’s likes.

Know, O Beloved ones, that the Salaf disliked asking Questions based on matters that are imagined or are not real. Imām Abū Al-Faraj Ibn Al-Jawzī rahimahullāh detailed this dislike of the Salaf in his excellent book Ta’adhīmu Al-Futyā and quoted many statements from the Fuqahā in this regard.

This means that we only expect from you to ask questions on scenarios that have at least ever happened or has a strong possibility of happening unless for very few situations.

Know, that there has to be Medical Experts attesting to this scenario for abortion to be considered Permissible in this situation.

We have referred to this in Question 431 of our Telegram Channel. Kindly refer to it.

We ask Allāh to grant us and you Steadfastness upon His Path, amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran

Abū ‘Āsim

2nd Rabīu Al-Awwal, 1441AH.

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