Q&A (Fatwa)

#869: Ruling on the Numbers of Raka`ah that should be observed after Jumu`ah


Question: ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. Please what’s the of praying 4 nafwafil prayers after salatul Jumm’at.



Know verily – may the blessings of Allah Taala be upon you that, the ulama upheld different opinions as to how many Raka’āt of Nawāfil should be observed after the jumu’ah prayer. And this is based on the different Ahadith that was reported to that effect.

Sharafu Addīn Abī An-Najā Mūsa ibn Ahmad Ibn Mūsa Al-Hajjāwī said:

وأقل السنة بعد الجمعة ركعتان، وأكثرها ست.

The least of the sunnah(Nawāfil) after jumu’ah are two while the highest are six.

Zādu Al-Mustaqni’i Fi Ikhtisāru Al-Muqni’.

The first opinion upheld that only two raka’āt of nawāfil is recommended to be observed after jumua’h prayer.

And they based their argument on the Hadīth that was reported from ‘Abdullahi Ibn ‘Umar Radiyallāhu anhumah who said:

ﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻳُﺼَﻠِّﻲ ﻗَﺒْﻞَ ﺍﻟﻈُّﻬْﺮِ ﺭَﻛْﻌَﺘَﻴْﻦِ، ﻭَﺑَﻌْﺪَﻫَﺎ ﺭَﻛْﻌَﺘَﻴْﻦِ، ﻭَﺑَﻌْﺪَ ﺍﻟْﻤَﻐْﺮِﺏِ ﺭَﻛْﻌَﺘَﻴْﻦِ ﻓِﻲ ﺑَﻴْﺘِﻪِ، ﻭَﺑَﻌْﺪَ ﺍﻟْﻌِﺸَﺎﺀِ ﺭَﻛْﻌَﺘَﻴْﻦِ ﻭَﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻻَ ﻳُﺼَﻠِّﻲ ﺑَﻌْﺪَ ﺍﻟْﺠُﻤُﻌَﺔِ ﺣَﺘَّﻰ ﻳَﻨْﺼَﺮِﻑَ ﻓَﻴُﺼَﻠِّﻲ ﺭَﻛْﻌَﺘَﻴْﻦِ.

The Rasūl Salallāhu ‘alayhi wassalam used to pray two raka’āt before the Zuhr prayer and two raka’āt after it. He also used to pray two raka’āt after the Maghrib prayer in his house, and two raka’āt after the Isha’ prayer. He never prayed after Jumua prayer till he departed (from the Mosque), and then he would pray two raka’ātat at home.

Transmitted by Imām Al-Bukhārī#937 and Imām Muslim#882.

This Hadīth shows that the Rasūl salallāhu’alayhi wasallam used to pray two Raka’āt after Jumu’ah at home and not in the mosque.

The second opinion maintains that it is four raka’āt of Nawāfil that was recommended to be observed after jumu’ah prayer.

Their evidence is based on the Hadīth that was reported from Abū Hurairah Radiyallāhu anhu who said: The Rasūl salallāhu’alayhi wasallam said:

إِذَا صَلَّى أَحَدُكُمْ الْجُمُعَةَ فَلْيُصَلِّ بَعْدَهَا أَرْبَعًا.

When any one amongst you observes prayer after Jumu’a, he should observe four raka’āt.

Transmitted by Imām Muslim#881

This is the opinion of the majority of the Fuqaha and that the of Hanafiyyah mazhab and the statement of Imām Ash-shāfii’ as mentioned in Al-Umm”

The third opinion is that one has the choice to either observe two or four raka’āt after jumu’ah prayer and this is the opinion of Imām Ahmad.

Imām Ahmad said:

If he wishes, he should pray two or four raka’āt after jumu’ah.


The fourth opinion upheld that whoever wishes to observe his nawāfil in the masjid after jumu’ah prayer, then he should pray four raka’āt, and whoever wants to observe the nawāfil at home, then should pray two raka’āt.

Ibn Al-qayyim said:

Our Shaykh Abū Al-‘Abbās Ibn Taymiyah said: if he wishes to observe it in the Masjid, then he should pray four raka’āt, and if he wants to pray it at home, then he should pray two raka’āt. I said( ibn Al-qayyim): and this is in accordance to the meanings of the Ahādīth, and Abū Dāwūd transmitted from Ibn ‘Umar that whenever he prays in the mosque after jumuat prayer, he observes four raka’āt, and if he prays at home, he prays two raka’āt.

Zādu Al-Ma’ād(1/212). Dārul Fajr publisher.

It is also reported from Abdullahi ibn ‘Umar Radiyallāhu anhu with a sound isnād that is authenticated by Imām Al-‘Irāqī in “Nailu Al-Awtār”(3/280) that the Rasūl Salallāhu ‘alayhi wassalam used to pray six raka’āt after jumuat prayers.

Shaykh Al-‘Uthaymīn Rahimahullāhu said:

And the evidence for this can be explained that the prophet Salallāhu ‘alayhi wassalam used to pray two raka’āt at home, and he commanded the one who has prayed Jumu’ah to pray four raka’āt after it and this six raka’āt (in total).

Shaykh Al-‘Uthaymīn said:

The best for a person is to at times pray four raka’āt and at times two raka’āt ( after jumu’ah).

Ash-shar’hu Al-Mumti’u ‘Alā Zādu Al-Mustaqni’i.

In Summary, we say – and all strength and knowledge comes from Allāh – that, it is permissible to either pray two or four raka’āt after jumu’ah prayer whether in the masjid or at home though it is preferable at home since in general nawāfil at home is better than those observed in the masjid and this is the opinion of Shaykh Al-Albānī Rahimahullāhu.

Allāh A’alām.

Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

Abū Yahya

5th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1441AH.

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