Q&A (Fatwa)

#880: Ruling on Health Insurance


“Salamalaikun Warahmotullahi wabarakatu Pls I want to ask a question . Is health insurance permissible in Islam on the premises that health care is rather expensive and sometimes unaffordable”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


As for Health Insurance, then it is Harām without reservations.

This that we have said is the position held by all of the Ulamā of this era, who have combined Intellect with Knowledge of the Dīn.

And whosoever knows the reality of Health Insurance and it’s likes will appreciate the wisdom behind this ruling.

Can’t you see that the Insured deposits a certain token every month to the Insurer and will keep doing so as long as he remains under that cover? Whether he falls ill or not, whether he uses it or not? What happens to that wealth of he doesn’t fall ill? Is it returned to him or it goes with the air?

Then, if the Insured were to fall ill and the cost of his Medical Bills exceeds all of the amount of money that he has deposited with the Insurer, and then he walks out of the Insurance, what happens to the money he did not deposit and has been paid for by the Insurer?

It is clear that this is clearly a Gamble into the unknown without a doubt and a way of exploitation by the Insurer, they use this to imprison people and to consume the wealth of others without the fear of Allāh.

This is clearly Harām and there is no doubt about that.

The exemptions that have been seen in this case is when these Insurances are been taken from your wealth with or without your choice such as if your company organizes that and you have no choice about it, this is an exemption as mentioned by Shaykh ‘Umar Al-Haddūshī – hafidhahullāh. Likewise, if the expenses of the Medicals are so expensive and you will not be able to pay without such a scheme like in countries where such Schemes are the major ways of livelihood.

In these two cases, it is permissible by way of necessity with a condition that you keep track of what was spent on you by the Insurer and what is your rightful due. If the Insurer had paid more on your behalf, then you must not leave the Scheme until you have paid the balance in installments in accordance with your monthly deposits. And Allāh knows best.

Why don’t Muslims come together to have Insurance Schemes of Wealth contributions where they put monies together for contingencies like Health situation where they will hold people in accordance with their contributions and will return balance money to their owners when they want to leave the Schemes?

These are some of the loopholes that Muslims don’t fill.

We ask Allāh to bless our Ummah with Īmān and Thabāt, amīn.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

Abū Āsim.

27th Rabīu Al-Awwal, 1441AH

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