Q&A (Fatwa)

#885: Is observing Ghusl on the Day of Jumu`ah Wājib?



As salam alaykum waramotullah.

If one didn’t perform ghusl bath every Friday but pray Jumah, is not performing the ghusl a sin?



Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.


As for the Ruling of observing the Ghusl on the Day of Jumu’ah, then know that the position held by some of the Companions is that it is Wājib. This position was shared by the Dhāhiriyyah School. Ibn Al-Mundhir attributed this position to Mālik in one of his verdicts while Al-Khattābī attributed it to Al-Hassan Al-Basrī rahimahullāh. Imām Abū Muhammad Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusī rahimahullāh in Al-Muhallah, after mentioning the differences on this matter gave preponderance to this position citing the Ahādith that seem to indicate this. Same position was favoured by Imām Ibn Daqīq Al-‘Īd in his Shar’h on ‘Umdatu Al-Ahkām where he indicated that those that held a contrary position have more to prove.

But the position favoured by the majority of the Fuqahā is that it is Sunnah Mu’akkadah that shouldn’t be abandoned. This is the position of the Hanafī, Mālikī, Shāfi’ī and Hanbalī Schools.

There is however a third position and that is the position expressed by Ibn Taymiyyah for he held that it was Wājib on the one who experiences body odours.

What seems strongest, and Allāh knows best is the position of the Majority, that it is a Sunnah Mu’akkadah, and Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

Abū Āsim

13th Rabīu Thānī, 1441AH.

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