Q&A (Fatwa)

#888: Ruling on Changing One`s State of Origin


As salamualaikum warahmatullah ustaz….greeting to you… I have a question which “is it permissible for a Muslim to change its state of origin, for example from Ogun state to Lagos state….thanks Wa jazakumullah khair”


Wa Alaykum Salām Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh


The Ulamā throughout our history have attributed themselves to the cities that they live or choose to be attributed to as long as they originated from those cities or lived their lives there or studied there. There has been no concern regarding that.

Rather what the Ulamā of Hadīth were careful about is a person attributing himself to places he has no entire connection with so that he may hide his personality and deceive people that he is what he is not. This is a form of Tadlis that is not acceptable.

We have seen of our Fuqahā those who were born in Egypt and whose parents are from Egypt but who studied in Dimashq and lived in Dimashq attribute themselves to Dimashq and are referred to as Ad-Dimashqī. An example to this is the Pious Shāfi’ī Imām Abū Al-Az’har ‘Abdulwahhāb Bahā’uddīn Al-Ikhmīmī – rahimahullāh. For it was said about him in his biography
Al-Misrī thumma Ad-Dimashqī.

This was known and accepted as long as it doesn’t lead to deception in lineage and the likes.

And in the modern days, States of Origin are a deception as there is no explicit definition of what it is.
While some define it as where a person was born, others define it as a place where one’s Parents were born. Others claim it is a place you have lived most of your life and was bred.

These definitions are deceiving themselves.

Based on this, we are not able to give an explicit answer to this regard.

And Allāh knows best.

📚 IslāmNode




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