Q&A (Fatwa)

#891: Ruling on a Non-Muslim building a Masjid


“Question: what are the ruling on the situation where non Muslim build a mosjid .”



As for this, we have responded to a similar question on our Telegram Channel Q. 833, and we mentioned that it is generally recommended to be cautious in receiving contributions from Kuffār for the building of Masājid of Muslim Projects. We stated the reasons. You may refer to that.

However, there is nothing wrong in observing Salāt in a Masjid that was built by a Kāfir as long as the Masjid is not a Masjid Dirār.

A Masjid Dīrār is any Masjid that was built for the same intentions upon which was built the first Masjid Dīrār that was built for Abū ‘Āmir Ar-Rāhib.

These intentions are as follow, as was mentioned by Shaykh Muhammad bn Sālih Al-‘Uthaymīn rahimahullāh in his Majmū’:

1. That it was built to vie and reduce the honour of another Masjid that was built upon Taqwah and with sincerity

2. That it was built to divide the Muslims and cause rancour in their hearts

3. That it was built to revere Kufr or the Tawāghīt

4. Used as a plotting center or a shelter for those who oppose or wage war against Islām and the Muslims

This last condition is very apparent for it could be simply plotting against the Path of Allāh. Find any Masjid that is free of these conditions, there is nothing wrong in observing Salāt in it regardless of whosoever built it.

And Allāh knows best.

For a general understanding of Masjid Dīrār and it’s applicability with this era, you may refer to the book Tuhfatu Al-Abrār Fī Ahkāmi Masājid Ad-Dirār

Bārakallāhu Fīkum

📚 IslāmNode




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