Q&A (Fatwa)

#929: On Reciting Some Surah As Du’a

“Assalam alaykum, may Allah reward the admins abundantly and never leave you for the twinkle of an eye. My question goes thus: is it Islamically permitted for an imam to be reciting some chapter of the Quran like suratul waakia and the hamaha will be saying aameen. They recite different chapter each morning and suratul kaf on Thursday morning.”


Wa Alaykum Salam Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh


It is the Agreement of the Ulama of Sunnah that the Book of Allah is a Sifa (Attribute) among the Sifaat of Allah. There is therefore nothing wrong with drawing close to Allah by its recitation or reciting it ahead of a Du’a as a form of Tawassul.

What is wrong however is to specify certain verses or Suwar that are not specified by Allah or His Messenger for the purpose of Du’a. Or the specification of a particular number of times the Surah or verses are recited. One well known example of this is the recitation of Suratu Yasin forty times by some people in a gathering and then following that up with Du’a. This is wrong and it does not agree with the Sunnah.

Same goes for the Surahs you referred to in the Question. It is not been narrated with any authority from the Rasul – salallahu alayhi wasallam – or any of the Companions that he specified certain Surah for recitation as Du’a on specific days.

This should be abandoned for that which is known in the Sunnah of the Rasul salallahu alayhi wasallam.

Baarakallahu Fikum
Jazakumullahu Khayran

Abū Asim

26th Rajab, 1441AH

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