The Jurisconsult and Spiritual Master and Teacher Abū Hamid Al-Ghazzālī – rahimahullāh – lived a highly honourable and fulfilled life teaching the Pearls of Islām’s Knowledge and Spiritual Discipline. When he passed away in 505H, he had left behind a very rich School filled with Spiritual Instructions and Knowledge.
He had many students. One of them had perfected the fine details of the Spiritual Discipline that the Master had taught. This student, Allāh be merciful on him, had exerted himself to studying and mastering the instructions of his Teacher. But he didn’t feel fulfilled. Therefore he turned to his Master Al-Ghazzālī for spiritual counseling once again.
Imām Al-Ghazzālī – rahimahullāh – responded to his student’s request by authoring this important treatise. He emphasized in it that the benefit of Knowledge is found in only its practice, purity of Intention and genuinty.
He said:
«العلم بلا عمل جنون والعمل بلا علم لا يكون»
“Knowledge without practice is insanity; Practice without Knowledge is not feasible.”
Ayyaha Al-Walad is an excellent master piece which I encourage all to study, the student of knowledge particularly.
We ask Allāh for a Knowledge that is beneficial, āmīn
Bārakallāhu fīkum