Annals of Muslim History


Imaam Abu Muhammad Ibn At-Tin

Great Men have walked through the history of this Ummah, no doubt. And the greatness of the men of this Ummah are only a reflection at the greatness of the Rasul salallahu alayhi wasallam from whom all the light that guides, all the wisdom that counsels come from.

Were the veracity of any Religion be measured by the greatness of the Great and beautiful men that walked through its annals, there is no doubt that no Religion would turn out to be more truthful that Islam…

But of these great men are those who fluorished and lived their lives in obscurity and away from attention. Their lives were so Characteristic of simplicity and sincerity that their biographies are not well preserved to date.

Of such great Luminaries was the great Maliki Polymath and Haafidh, Abu Muhammad Ibn At-Tin, rahimahullah.

He was Abu Muhammad ‘AbdulWaahidi bn’ Umar bn ‘AbdulWaahidi Ibn Thaabit As-Safaqqisi At-Tunisi. He was known for his penetrating insight, his Hifdh, his Knowledge and his firm grasp of the matters of Fiqh.

These skills are so excellently weaven that whosoever reads through his excellent book and commentary on the Sahih of Imam Al-Bukhari, _Al-Mukhbiru Al-Faseeh_ will attest to this light. It is known that Al-Faseeh is one of the main books that Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalaani relied upon in his _Fat’h_.

Imam Ibn Tin was of those Imams who sacrificed the spotlight and prefered obscurity. But Allah looked at their intentions and made them fame nonetheless…

Imam Ibn At-Tin passed away 611 years after the Hijrah, rahimahullah.

Barakallahu Fikum


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