Q&A (Fatwa)

#151: Ruling on Helping in Soothsaying



_” Something happen where my elder sister is staying, like fight, so mum then called fortune teller and the person told her that the people that my sister is staying with want to put her in trouble and that he will pray on her behalf, she should transfer cash to her. Then mum asked me to help do the transfer from her phone, am I suppose to do it or not?”_


Alhamdulillāh Wassalātu Wassalāmu ‘Alā Rasūl Allāh

It is not permissible for your mother go consult a soothsayer in the first place and that act is a very grave one.

It has been recorded and transmitted by Imām Muslim in the Sahīh that the Rasūl – salallāhu Alayhi wasallam – said:

: من أتى عرافاً فسأله عن شيء لم تقبل له صلاة أربعين ليلة

_”Whosoever approaches a Soothsayer and then consults him on something, his Salāt would not be accepted for forty nights.”_

What is expected of you, O beloved one, is to, with wisdom, explain to your mum and try hard to convince her of the error in that and its futility.

As her consultation is not permissible, to give her wealth to such a person is Harām likewise, same applies to your helping her in the transfer of funds. All of these are tanatamount to helping in the carrying out of a Harām act which Allah has frowned against.

We ask Allāh to help your family through this trial and to be with you, āmīn.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

22nd Rabi-ul-awwal 1438

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