Q&A (Fatwa)

#275: Ruling on the Pregnant One not Fasting

302. Question


Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh, ya admin, please what is the most correct opinion from the Sunshine regarding a pregnant woman during the month of Ramadan who feeds a fasting person,

1. Is she to only feed the person without repaying those fast

2. Is she to both feed and then later repay those fast

3. Is she to only repay the fast and not necessarily feed anyone.


Wa alaikum salaam Wa Rahmatullah Wa barakatuh,
This is an issue in which the jurists have deeply differed upon as you have mentioned in the question.

However, the strongest view (and Allah knows best) is as the eminent sheikh Ibn Baaz rahimahullah said in his majmoo al-fataawa 15/227;

The correct view concerning this matter is that pregnant and breastfeeding women have to make up the fasts, and what was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas and Ibn ‘Umar, that pregnant and breastfeeding women have to feed the poor instead, is a weak view that goes against the shar’i evidence. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number (should be made up) from other days” Quran 2:184

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are likened to those who are sick, and do not come under the ruling on old men who are unable to fast. Rather they come under the ruling on those who are sick, so they should make up the fasts when they become able to do so, even if that is delayed.

And Allah knows best.

Jazaakumullahu khairan!
Baarakallahu feekum!

Answered by Abu Hafs

4th Ramadan 1438A.H.



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