Q&A (Fatwa)

#321: Minimum Rak`ah For Tarāwīh


What is the lowest rakats you can pray for Taraweeh?

if I stay at home to perform taraweeh and will be maybe after isha or during the midnight, how will I perform it. Jazakumllahu Khayran


You pray as the Prophet alaihi salam has advised the one that came asking him about the night prayer:

Prayers at night are to be offered two by two (two rak’ahs at a time). If any of you fears that the time of dawn is approaching then let him pray one rak’ah as Witr.”

And Allah knows best.

Jazaakumullaahu Khayran!
Baarakallaahu feekum!

Answered by Abu Hafs

26th Ramadaan 1438A.H.

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