Q&A (Fatwa)

#930: On The Explanation Of The Hadith Concerning Treating The Hair Every Other Day

“Assālamu’Alaykum Warahmatullāh Ustādh. What’s the authenticity and explanation of this HADĪTH. Narrated Abdullah ibn Mughaffal: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ ) forbade combing the HAIR except every second day. (Abu Dawud, no.4159)”


Wa Alaykum Salam Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh.

The Hadith to which you refer is the Hadith that was recorded by Abu Dawud from Abdullah bn Mughaffal – radiyallahu anhu – that he said:

نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الترجل إلا غبا

The Messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi Wasallam – forbade At-Tarajjul to be done (daily) except for every other day”

The Hadith is also recorded by the Imam Abu Isa Muhammad bn Isa At-Tirmidhī and the Imam, Abu Abdirrahman Ahmad bn Shuayb An-Nasa’i rahimahullah both in their Sunan

As for the Authenticity, it has been considered Sahih by many of the Ulama of Hadith. Of them Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani in his Sahīh.

What then is the meaning of At-Tarajjul?

Imam Ibn Al-Athir – rahimahullah – said:

“As for At-Tarajjul and At-Tarjil, it is the combing of the hair, oiling it, cleaning it, and beautifying it” (Ghara’ibu Al-Hadith)

Imam Ahmad in his explanation of this Hadith says: “He should oil his hair on alternate days… ”

Know then, may Allah illumine my heart and yours, that to restrict At-Tarajjul to combing of the hair is wrong. It applies to straightening, combing, washing, oiling and making it clean and beautiful. This is the way it was used and referred to in the Books of the Ulama.

The Fuqaha have explained that the implication of this Hadith is the dislike of occupying oneself with the washing, oiling and beautification of the hair every day.

Ash-Shawkani said in Naylu al-Awtar

“The Hadith indicates the dislike of occupying oneself with At-Tarjil everyday as it is a form of been carried away with beautifying of oneself and spending time in self beautification”

Then know, MAY Allah smile at you, that the Rasul – salallahu alayhi wasallam – commanded whosoever has prominent hairs to take care of it. In the Hadith that was recorded by Imam Abu Dawud Sulayman bn Ash’ath As-Sijistani in his Sunan from Abu Hurayrah, the Rasul – salallahu alayhi wasallam – said:
مَنْ كَانَ لَهُ شَعْرٌ فَلْيُكْرِمْهُ

“Whosoever has hairs, let him take care of it and honor it”

And there is no conflict between the two Hadīth. The command to beautify and take care of the hair does not conflict with the command to not occupy with it everyday. This is clear.

If you say, but we are not able to do without combing it everyday. Then I say, At-Tarjil is not limited to combing, there are other aspects of it as we have stated above. Then, if you can go on with your hair by combing it every other day and it will remain clean and in order on the day you are not doing so, then that is closer to the Sunnāh.

If however that is not the case given our kind of hair in this clime, then there is nothing wrong with combing it everyday. This is because the Rasūl – salallahu alayhi wasallam – gave permission to Abu Qatadah as was recorded by Imam An-Nasa’i in the Sunan to practice the Tarjil everyday due to the fullness and thickness of his hair. This is because the practice of taking care of the hair and not leaving it scattered is more prominent than the Ruling of only practicing the Tarjil every other day.

What we mean is, the stronger position as was mentioned by As-Suyuti, is that the forbiddance of the Tarjil everyday is a Makruh. But the forbiddance of leaving the hair unkempt is a Harām.

And Allah knows best.

Baarakallahu Fikum
Jazakumullahu Khayran.

Abū Asim

26th Rajab, 1441AH

📚 IslāmNode


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