Q&A (Fatwa)

#595: The Ruling of Salātu ash-Shukr


” Here are my questions: What is the Islamic rulings on…Is there naflat observed to thankful almighty Allah. Jazakunmulahi khairah.”



Know, may Allāh be merciful to us all, that concerning making Sujūd to Allāh out of gratitude to Him is agreed upon among the Ulamā past and present to be permissible and recommended whenever a glad tidings is given to a Muslim, though there is a weak position attributed to Imām Mālik to the effect that it is disliked.

This is due to what was recorded by Al-Hākim and Imām Ahmad with a Sahih Isnād from ‘Abdurrahman Ibn ‘Awf – radiyallāhu ‘anhu – that he said:

“The Prophet – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – once made Sujūd and prolonged it. Then when he raised up his head, he said:

“Indeed Jubril came to me and gave me glad tidings so I made Sujūd to Allāh to show gratitude.”

There are other Hadīth to this effect strengthening and corroborating the above quoted.

As for observing two raka’āt or any Salāt for the purpose of thanking Allāh, then the Ulamā differed on its ruling.

Of the Ulamā are those that considered it permissible. Their proof is that on the Day of Fat’hu Makkah, the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – observed eight raka’āt to thank Allāh.

Al-Hāfidh Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalānī – rahimahullāh – said in Fat’hu Al-Bārī:

“And in it is the permissibility of Salāt for the purpose of showing gratitude”

This evidence has been rejected by some of the Ulamā who restrict this Salāt to conquering of a city. They said: this only shows the recommendation of observing Prayers to thank Allāh after a City has been conquered/liberated and Allāh has granted victory to the Muslims against their enemies.

Al-Hāfidh Ibn Kathīr made reference to this in Al-Bidāyah Wa An-Nihāyah

Other Ulamā considered it not to be permissible. And this is the position held by the majority.

Imām Ar-Ramlī – rahimahullāh – said in the Tuhfah:

“We do not have any Salāt referred to as Salātu Ash-Shukr (Salāt for showing gratitude)”

This position was shared by Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim,and others.

And this is what is correct, and Allāh knows best.

Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

12th Ramadān, 1439A.H.

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