Q&A (Fatwa)

#791: Ruling on the I’itikāf of a Woman whose Menstruation meets Her while in I’itikāf


“QUESTIONS:a sister told me that she discover her mesess (الحيض). While in Itiqaaf. What is position of her itiqaaf ? Or he she going to do?. That of Prayer and fasting is clear…Jezakumullahu khira”



We ask Allāh to reward the sister and to reward you for the sound intention, the good deed and the love of learning, amīn.

As for her I’itikāf, it is Obligatory upon her to leave the Masjid once the Menstruation hits her. This is by the consensus of the Fuqahā. Imām Mālik mentioned this is the Muwattā.

As for what has preceded of her I’itikāf, it is sound and her reward is reserved with Allāh. But for what follows after her menstruation, she must terminate it and return to her home and her reward is reserved with Allāh. Then, if her purity comes upon her while still in Ramadān, she may return to the Masjid to continue this rewarding act. Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī mentioned this in Al-Mughnī.

We ask Allāh for a sound knowledge and rewarding deeds that are accepted to Him.

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran.

27th Ramadān, 1440AH.

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