Q&A (Fatwa)

#875: Does the Menstruating Woman need to observe Wudhū before sleeping?


“And if a woman is used to going to bed with ablution, can she still do same when on her period”


Alhamdulillāh, a Menstruating woman does not need to observe the Wudhū before her sleep even if she is used to doing that in other than her menstruation. This ruling applies also to the woman bleeding after Childbirth.

If you say: why then did the Rasūl -salallāhu Alayhi Wasallam – command that the Junub (who has had sexual intercourse or ejaculated) observe Wudhū before sleeping? This should also be applicable to the woman who is menstruating and the one who is having the Postnatal bleeding.

I say: that is because the one who is Junub benefits from the Wudhū as the cause of his or her impurity has ceased whereas for the bleeding woman, it is a continuous process. The Ulamā have agreed that the essence of the Wudhū for the Junub is to lighten his impurity. The same does not apply to the bleeding woman. The obvious exemption to this is the Menstruating woman whose bleeding has receded and she is on the day or a day to the day she expects purity. This is because in this case the Wudhū will benefit her.

Imām An-Nawawī said in his Shar’h on Sahīh Muslim:

وأصحابنا متفقون على أنه لا يُستحب الوضوء للحائض والنفساء [يعني : قبل النوم] ؛ لأن الوضوء لا يؤثر في حدثهما ، فإن كانت الحائض قد انقطعت حيضتها صارت كالجنب ، والله أعلم

“And the Fellows of our School have agreed that the Wudhū is not recommended for the Menstruating and Post Natal bleeding women (before sleeping) because the Wudhū does not impact on her impurity. But if the blood of this menstruating woman has receded, then her ruling is like that of the Junub (and it is recommended that she does the Wudhū)”

And Allāh knows best

Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran

Abū Āsim

26th Rabīu Al-Awwal, 1441AH.

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